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A member registered Oct 01, 2017

Recent community posts

Hey caramelcode, I recently learned that there's a very nice Matrix <--> Discord bridge available. Set-up is a bit tedious (you must create a Matrix room for every Discord channel and bridge them individually) but it's simple and it works:

Next year it'd be great to have a bridge to enable a fully FOSS way to chat. I would be happy to set up the Matrix end.


Thanks so much for including it! This made us smile. :)

Thanks for the info! I also want to try building Game Boy games. Tobu Tobu Girl managed to do a lot in GBDK in 2017... I really don't want to learn assembly lol. I'm not sure which is harder.

So in the console I'm not seeing "Phaser is not defined", I'm seeing this (on page load):

TypeError: game.state is undefined[Learn More] main.js:63:1
    <anonymous> file:///home/alex/Downloads/RocketSpam/main.js:63:1
Okay. You have defined "game" in the line above, but it doesn't have a property called "state". I can check that by typing "game" into the console and hitting enter. I can then expand the arrow to see the full "game" object including all its properties.

So for example, "game.anims" exists. "game.config" exists. etc. But no "game.state". Why?

In the docs for Phaser 2.6.2 it does appear that "game.state" should exist. However, in the console it also shows this message when the page loads:

     Phaser v3.14.0 (WebGL | Web Audio)

I can see we're using Phaser 3.14. Looking at the 3.14 docs for "Game", I cannot find any mention of "game.state". I'm guessing that Phaser 3 works differently.

My guess is that you're following a tutorial or guide that assumes you're working with Phaser 2, but you actually have Phaser 3 installed. I've never used Phaser before so I can't tell you specifically what you need to do to make it work, but maybe you can find a Phaser 3 tutorial instead.

Hi Gingarius. Do you have a repo somewhere with all your files?

I recommend opening the inspector (shift + ctrl + i) and looking at the "console" tab. It should show you any errors. You can also look at the "network" tab and refresh the page to ensure that both files are being imported.

I'm guessing there is a bug in your actual main.js file.

Since this thread is already derailed (lol) and there's a thread about the theme here, I'll comment on this.

I'm pretty adamant about using only FOSS services, but I also accept that there's a trade-off that has to be made sometimes when it comes to outreach. That said, I think the crowd who are interested in this type of game jam are probably more willing to go out of their way to use open-source tools. I've chosen to draw a line about the chatroom because,

1. There are several good options that aren't proprietary.
2. A chat application is more personal.
3. I won't ask my teammates to use something proprietary. I'm the only member of my team on

If there's an open-source alternative to that will do as good a job for outreach I'd also prefer it. I think it's worthwhile to work towards that. At the moment I'm not sure there is, and it might not be feasible to have an open-source game jam without it. Not sure how Liberated Pixel Cup did it, but they had some pretty big sponsors. So, if we want to solve that problem I think it'd be better if we helped rather than complain about it.

Is there any reason to prefer Discord over Gitter or Riot in the future? Let me know if you'd rather this conversation be somewhere else.

Just wanted to give feedback that I (and the rest of my team) really like this year's theme. We felt it was a lot less ambiguous than last year's ("leave a mark") and could immediately think of many ideas.

I just shared a thread with some theme interpretations. Hopefully this helps.

Our team interpreted the theme with 3 major possibilities:

1. Something involving button mashing. We're looking at rethinking the controller itself as an input device and how that can affect gameplay. I shared my thoughts about that here.

2. Splatoon. If you're not familiar, this is a Nintendo game where players in an arena shoot ink all over the floor with the goal of covering the whole stage with their color ink. Splatoon could be a whole genre of game that fits into the theme.

3. Finally, "spam" could mean the literal canned meat, and it could be any game incorporating this. Similarly, "spam" could mean spam-mail and involve a game about a Nigerian Prince or something (but please, try not to be racist).

I hope this helps anyone struggling to come up with ideas.

This is cool! How are you incorporating the theme?

Hi all. Our team had an idea that we decided not to go with, but I wanted to share in case anyone else might benefit from this.

The premise is that you win by button mashing fast, but only if there is sufficient variation in your buttons.

When button mashing, our inclination is to press buttons in a pattern (eg roll your thumb across the D-pad or face buttons). This game would detect that and punish you for it. You succeed when your button presses are truly random over a period of time.

This concept subverts the idea of what a game is, and is a different way of interacting with the controller. Ideally it would make the player say "what the hell?" and freeze up, because they really want to press the buttons in a pattern. This is a confusing, grueling challenge, that would be extremely difficult for a player to strategize around. The goal is to make the player feel totally powerless and like this is a challenge that can't be overcome. A two player mode could pit players head-to-head.

Our team decided that this sort of game is more like a form of postmodern art than an actual game, so we decided not to do it. Please feel free to use this idea for your own game.

Hello everyone! We're a team of 3 software-freedom enthusiasts in Philadelphia, PA. We have a musician and two web developers, and this is our first time participating in a game jam.

We chose not to join the proprietary Discord, but there is a chatroom for our own team on Matrix. We're looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!